Sunday, February 22, 2009


This is a very very short post to share that my wonderful friends K and Y had a baby girl this morning at around 5am.

Funnily enough, I predicted about 6 months ago (thus the title of the blog) that she would be born on my birthday, and despite K's resistance - she has had contractions for the last week and never hoped for it to take that long - all worked out as (I) planned : )

It turns out though that I was not alone. K's mother had also hoped for a birth on the 22nd since her mother was born on the 22nd and it seems that she was a very special person.

Which leads to me to the only spiritual thought of this blog post, something that some spiritual thinkers have mentioned, that when you are born on the same day as someone in your family or share the same name as a relative, maybe somehow the destinies get intertwined...

I don't know the answer to that one, but I do know that I am extremely happy for K and Y and hope our destinies remain intertwined!

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