Saturday, March 28, 2009

[Odd post] On moths and synchronicity

I am presently a bit swamped by intellectual endeavors so the frequency (and quality) of my blog posts are suffering.

Today I would like to share an anecdote, that I find fascinating (I don't need much apparently) and completely mysterious.

For the last 7 days, when I come home at night, I find one small moth on the backside of my front door. After a few minutes the moth flies right at me and lands either on me or, if I am working on my computer, on my computer screen. Strange, right?

Now what if I told you that it is not the same moth every time? More than that it has been a different moth every time! As the moth flies to me or on me I have been catching the moth/s with a small glass and a cardboard CD case. Glass covers moth and then cardboard case goes between me and my friendly, neighborhood moth. Said moth, is then accompanied to a window. Window is opened, moth is released, window is closed. Windows stay closed. Another day, another moth. Catch, release, repeat.

No other moths are in the apartment and I can't figure out where they are coming from...

Makes me think of a Sherlock Holmes mystery and, more relevant to this blog, to Jung's story of synchronicity and his patient's dream scarab.

Otherwise, I am still reading Chopra's Path to Love. Some very interesting insights, simple but effective, so to speak. One particular question he attempts to answer is how to preserve the devotion, faithfulness and love of a relationship, without giving in to neediness and attachment. He explains, quite well, that what is NOT needed is detachment, which he assimilates to 'not caring'. What he recommends is a 'state' (not the best word, but it is the one he used...) of nonattachment

A good summary of the idea in Chopra's words: "Attachment is a form of dependency based on ego; love is nonattachment based on spirit."

Earlier he explains the difference as follows:
Love allows your beloved the freedom to be unlike you. Attachment asks for conformity to your needs and desires.

Love imposes no demands. Attachment expresses an overwhelming demand - "Make me feel whole."

Love expands beyond the limits of two people. Attachment tries to exclude everything but two people.
So on that final note, I wish you much love without attachment, and if I resolve the "Mystery of the Recurring Moth" I will let you know...


  1. hi, it's just a personal comment to you: I like your story about the moth:)....maybe it's a spirit from different dimension that tries to communicate with you or something to you? ...notice if the moth is resting on any particular sentence on your screen ? I am serious , maybe it is some kind of a sign because it is strange and I learned not to ignore strangeness; unusual signs and gut feelings/ always leads to interesting discoveries!

    When Chopra talks about detachment as "not caring", I know exactly how it feels because I live with 'detached person' and this kind of "state" is not helping to build intimacy between two people. I hope there are men like this as well but usually it's the women who needs emotional basis to feel connected and to feel that the other person cares and she can trust and feel understood, and feel fully accepted. And the detached person is detached from all of that and doesn't feel like expressing his/hers feeling is important. In their view it's actually a treat (it's risky to open up and maybe get hurt, so detachment serves as defense mechanism). So I view detached people as emotional cowards; if they don't feel anything towards the person in the first place that's ok, but if they do and use detachment as a defense/cope out, then it's a problem. Anyway it's hard to live with detached person, who is unable to express feelings and prefers the computer over living and emotional beings. Attachment is not healthy either and I admit that I used in the past to be 'needy' and "hungry" for attention and compliments and being an emotional women in a foreign country with a small child at home is not an excuse ..... while I'm writing this I think , It has to be a lesson/karma and hopefully I am progressing and learning 'my lesson' and thanks to resent personal events in my life I'm stronger and emotionally independent and mature today... in big part thanks to being actually forced to learn the 'non-attachment state'; to rise above the desires of the ego and despite strong emotional needs and feelings not fulfilling my needs... and still wishing this person all the best and having loving feelings in my heart (it has to be love!). To get there, It was uneasy but healing and insightful journey; to first of all accept "the rejection" and not take it personally, emerge stronger and love myself even more!
    ... I am very grateful for this experience and I thank (Universe?) for placing this person on my path... to unconditional love :)

    Today I received this text message from a friend:

    " The fastest way to become the Master of your life is through challenging situations. Challenges are opportunities in disguise"
    (The Secret)

    still very much in favor of emotional connection , A

  2. Hello,

    My name is Chris Sweet and I too believe that I am experiencing the same type of recurrence with moths. It's been months and I seem to run into a moth either one way or another every-single day. This oddity seemed to have began shortly after my best friend Alex died of Meningitis. This trauma has sparked my will to excel past many of my closest piers, and I do not see it as a coincidence. Other topics that come to mind are chaos theory, the butterfly affect, recurrence, and connections. For me to find your post was almost too easy, but the fact that I haven't looked before now is beyond me. One love for friends, one love for family, and one love for the simple complexities of the system from which we all exist.

    Chris Sweet

  3. Hi Chris, thanks for your comments. Funny you should mention that, for a while I was sure that it was someone trying to signal something. I could never kill any, I would just catch them and release them through the window. For a while I wondered if it was the same moth that kept coming back but after a while I realized that they were not the same... Food for thought in any case!
